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企 业 信 息 网编 辑的英文

"企 业 信 息 网编 辑"怎么读


  • c .net
  • "企"英文翻译    stand on tiptoe anxiously ex ...
  • "业"英文翻译    line of business; trade; ind ...
  • "信"英文翻译    letter; mail
  • "息"英文翻译    breath
  • "网"英文翻译    net
  • "编"英文翻译    weave; plait; braid
  • "辑"英文翻译    collect; compile; edit
  • "申 请 人 信 息" 英文翻译 :    personal information of applicant
  • "电 子 信 息 系 统" 英文翻译 :    electronic messaging system
  • "联 合 帐 户 申 请 人 信 息" 英文翻译 :    joint applicant information
  • "企" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(抬起脚后跟站着 ) stand on tiptoe2.(盼望) anxiously expect sth.; look forward to
  • "息" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(呼吸时进出的气) breath 屏息 hold one's breath; 喘息 gasp for breath; pant; 一息尚存 so long as there is breath left in one; 战斗到最后一息 fight to one's last breath2.(消息) news 信息 news; message; information3.(利钱; 利息) interest 定息 fixed interest; 还本付息 repay capital with interest; 无息贷款 interest-free loan4.[书面语] (子女) one's children5.(姓氏) a surname 息隆泰 xi longtaiⅡ动词1.(停止) cease; stop 经久不息的掌声 prolonged applause; 风止雨息。 the wind has subsided and the rain stopped.2.(休息) rest 歇息 have a rest; 按时作息 work and rest according to the timetable3.(滋生; 繁殖) grow; multiply 蕃息 multiply greatly; 生息 grow; propagate
  • "辑" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(编辑; 辑录) collect; compile; edit 编辑 edit; compileⅡ名词(整套书籍、资料的各个部分) part; volume; division 新闻简报第一辑 newsreel no. 1
  • "业" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(行业) line of business; trade; industry 各行各业 all trades and professions; different trades and callings; all walks of life; 工业 industry; 矿业 mining industry; 饮食业 catering trade2.(职业) occupation; profession; employment; job 就业 obtain employment; take up an occupation; get a job; 失业 be out of job; be unemployed; 他以木工为业。 he is a carpenter by profession.3.(学业) course of study 结业 complete a course of study; graduate; 修业 study at school4.(事业) cause; enterprise 创业 start an enterprise; do pioneering work; 大业great cause5.(产业) estate; property 家业 family property6.[宗教] (佛教徒称一切行为、言语、思想为业) karma; deed; action:罪业 sin7.(姓氏) a surname 业伟 ye weiⅡ动词(从事) engage in 业农 engage in farming; 业医 practise medicineⅢ副词(已经) already 业已病故 already died of illness; 业已核实 have already been verified
  • "信" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(书信) letter; mail 保价信 insured letter; 拆信 open a letter; 公开信 an open letter; 挂号信 registered letter; 平信 ordinary letter [mail]; 私信 personal [private] letter; 证明信 certificate; certification2.(信息;消息) message; word; information 口信 a verbal message; an oral message; 通风报信 divulge secret information; tip sb. off; 还没有信儿呢 。 no news yet. 你到达后给我来个信儿。 please send me word of your arrival.请你捎个信儿给他好吗? would you mind giving him a message?3.(凭据) sign; evidence 信号 signal; 印信 official seal4.(信用) confidence; trust; faith 取信于民 win the people's confidence [trust]; 失信 break faith [one's promise]; 言而无信 fail to keep faith; go back on one's word5.(引信) fuse 炸药信管 fuse in ablasting charge6.(信石; 砒霜) arsenic 白信 white arsenic7.(姓氏) a surname 信都芳 xin dufangⅡ动词1.(相信) believe; take stock in; credit 坚信 firmly [staunchly] believe; 将信将疑 half believe and half doubt; 信不信由你 believe it or not; 信以为真 accept sth. as true; 他深信自己必将成功。 he profoundly believes in his future success.2.(听凭; 放任; 随意) at will; at random; without plan 信笔写来 write freely without hesitation; 信步闲游 walk aimlessly3.(信奉) profess faith in; believe in 信佛 profess buddhismⅢ形容词(确实) true 信乎? is it true? 信然。 it is indeed true
  • "信,a" 英文翻译 :    character made up of
  • "信a" 英文翻译 :    character made up of
  • "畜养[业]饲养[业]畜牧[业" 英文翻译 :    livestock rearing
  • "丛书、辑" 英文翻译 :    series ser
  • "博彩(业)" 英文翻译 :    lottery industry
  • "畜养[业" 英文翻译 :    livestock rearing
  • "业 爷" 英文翻译 :    ye
  • "因缘,业" 英文翻译 :    karma
  • "aeon信" 英文翻译 :    aeon credit service
  • "信 (北市)" 英文翻译 :    xinyi, taipei
企 业 信 息 网编 辑的英文翻译,企 业 信 息 网编 辑英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译企 业 信 息 网编 辑,企 业 信 息 网编 辑的英文意思,企 業 信 息 網編 輯的英文企 业 信 息 网编 辑 meaning in English企 業 信 息 網編 輯的英文企 业 信 息 网编 辑怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。